Thursday, June 3, 2010

No Credit Where Credit Is Due

Ant and Grasshopper were neighbors but lived very different lives. Ant paid his bills on time or even ahead, while Grasshopper tended to forget about them.

Ant always paid off his credit card balance in full when the bill came in, but Grasshopper was lucky if he managed to scrape together the minimum payment and get it in the mail anywhere close to on time.

Ant said, “This will really help me build my credit rating for when I really want to have good credit.”

Grasshopper said, “Eh, I’ve got better things to do than worry about all that.”

One day Ant read in the paper that credit card companies were going to charge more for customers who paid off their bills every month. “This just doesn’t make sense,” he said, “How can they treat me like this? I’ve always been so loyal.”

When he heard about it, Grasshopper said, “Well, I guess that’s even less incentive to pay my bills on time—I guess I’d better stop paying any of them.”

And he did.


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